I have spent several weeks thinking about and writing about the Holy Spirit, His gifts and the fruits of those gifts. I thought I was finished with that subject matter for a while but I can’t shake the need to share these thoughts with you. As I listen to the nightly news (the outlet isn’t important), peruse social media, hear people talking in public; I am saddened that the most important of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the second most important commandment from God himself (Matthew 22:35-40 ESV), is being found in such short supply in today’s socio-political climate. People are so intolerant, so hate-filled. I, for one, am losing patience. If we could just find some common ground, some respect. It should be easy to do. There is no cost, no qualification; all you need is Love.
The Solution is Simple
My apologies to the Fab Four for borrowing their title. And now the song is playing in both our heads. Cool. Thanks, guys. But I digress.
Credit: John Hain; Pixabay
Could not most of the problems that we face today be solved if more people practiced the love that we are called to by God. If we would just love one another. I think that love of self has gone too far. Don’t get me wrong. I have a love for myself as God’s creation. I have been gifted with grace and mercy beyond measure. I pray that I will use those gifts for God’s glory, I believe that is the reason that they were poured out on this broken sinner. I am not the point of God’s Creation. I am a servant (I pray to be, daily), helping to fulfill His plan.
Compassion On The Cross
Mankind was given the perfect example of love, unconditional, in the person of Christ Jesus. He loved us so much that he gave His life up to death on the cross so that our sins would be forgiven, giving us direct access to the Father through prayer, and giving us life eternal through that death and resurrection.
13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 ESV
Credit: Pixabay
Can’t We Just All Get Along?
Are we not hearing the right words from the pulpit of our churches on Sundays? Is no one paying attention? Or are we making a conscious choice to live as though those words don’t apply to us? And when there are hatred and violence committed against one another in our cities; where are our churches? Why are they so often silent? Why are they not among the first on the scene to heal the hurt and to bring the love of Christ into the places where it is needed most?
All You Need is Love
Look, I am not perfect. I am not saying that loving everyone is easy. It isn’t. What I know is that love is a healing salve that can cure a whole sack full of hurt. Our world will not get better by itself. We are headed on an express lane toward the End of Days and the only way to slow down the runaway hatred and despair is to apply that salve liberally. You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can make your portion of it a better place… all you need is love.
Credit: Pixabay
Abba, Father, fill us with a love for each other that flows from us like the waters of a great river. Take away any fears that keep us from sharing that love with those who need it most. Create in us compassionate hearts and guide us to show that compassion unashamedly. All this we ask in Jesus’ name, who was the perfect example of your love. Amen