Get Thee Behind Me Satan, Part II

When we last spent time together, I began to tell you a bit of what has been going on in my life lately. Most of what I shared was good, very good. I am richly blessed. But not all was good. I am afraid that because of the good and also due, in part, to my own lacking prayer life; I became the target of Satan’s attention and thus fell victim to some of his provocations and vexations. Satan’s attacks are obviously a clear and present danger today. They are growing more prevalent by the hour.

I believe that the Evil One takes particular pride in causing trouble for those who belong to God. If the Devil owns your soul, why need he bother to hinder you or cause you misery? He does not need to test the depth of your faith. However, it his very nature to sow doubt in the minds of Christians. The Devil is crafty and sly. He has been tempting man and plying his slick skills since the Garden. I believe Satan doubles his efforts to distract or cause trouble for those of strong faith, especially those who are doing the work that God has given us to do. We are taking away souls to whom he lays claim, helping them to choose Good over Evil. To choose Christ and be saved.

A Blip on Satan’s Radar

Last time I wrote about the successes I believe that I was having in the name of our God. I was careful not to claim any of the glory for myself. I am guarded

Satan’s Radar

to boast in God alone. I am pretty sure that God has not been taking me down a peg or two due to my own pride. All that I need, is to know that I glorify God. I am driven to use the gifts that He has given me for His glory. I am guilty, however, of dropping my guard. I was lax in my praying for God’s protection from the Evil One’s ministrations and I believe he wanted to be a speed bump in the road of my ministry.

The Attacks Begin

The first obstacle and distraction took place as my blood sugar took a serious plunge. As a diabetic (type 2) I watch my numbers carefully and have my levels under control. Out of the blue, my blood sugar readings at midday started regularly hitting the very low 60s and down in the 50s. I started being dizzy and disoriented, my vision blurred and I got very jittery, nearly like a palsy. I panicked, my wife panicked, even my endocrinologist panicked. With warnings of potential diabetic comas and the like, I was schooled in emergency measures to take and I now carry a special kit in case I pass out due to dropping blood sugar levels.

And the Hits Just Keep on Coming…

As if this was not enough to bench me, there would be a second and third attack to take me out of action for a while. I began to cough and have labored breathing. After going to the doctor, I found out that I had walking pneumonia. I was given a prescription and sent home to rest. After a week I realized that I was not getting better, in fact, was getting worse.

After returning to the doctor., having five vials of blood drawn and a series of chest x-rays; I found out that I had full blown pneumonia. Fluid in both lungs. I was prescribed more antibiotics, steroids, two types of cough medicine and again sent back home to rest and get better. At least I was not hospitalized as well. I was, however, cut off from all of you. Silenced in my mission, but not in my prayers.

Faith Wins, Every Time

I am now back to work, building up to a full day. Pneumonia saps your strength and leaves you with no energy. I am told that I should expect to take about a month to fully recover. I realize now why so many of our older folks die from having pneumonia. Whether from having too much pride or from not girding myself from evil, the Devil stopped me in my tracks. But no more! God protected me, after all. Get thee behind me Satan! Be gone. You hold no power over me, for I belong to God Almighty! By the Power of the Holy Spirit, I will continue my Commission!




Get Thee Behind Me, Satan!

Dear ones, I am under attack. I believe that you are the reason, and it makes my heart sing out with joy! In the last couple of weeks since I last posted, my life has been rocked by hardship. My very life has been threatened by sickness by which I have been cut off from everything. I have become the target of the Evil One. This is my simple prayer. I declare in the Name of God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit that the powers used against me, and you, cannot stand up to the Power of the name of our God. Get thee behind me Satan, be gone!

Things have been going well here on The Narrow Path. There has been a growing number of believers who have found their way here every day. Because of the blog, I was recently asked to preach a sermon at a statewide teleconference Bible Study called Thee Real Bible Class. I was honored to be invited, but I am no preacher. However, I do love a good soapbox to stand on and I believe that God has put me to work to use the gifts that He has provided.

God uses the Broken

I spoke to the group about God’s Divine use of the broken to accomplish His work in this world. The Holy Spirit guided my words and the message went over well. The next day I got confirmation of the power that there had been in the message. Apparently, the group wanted me back.  All the glory be to God! My prayers had been answered and my mouth had opened but His words came out.

There were more new subscribers to sign up here on and the week finished with a bang. God had shown pleasure in my mission to reach out to those in need of His presence in their lives. I could feel it and I dropped my guard. That is when the manure hit the rotary oscillator.

I believe that, as Christians on a mission to carry God’s message, we are susceptible to the attention of Satan and his minions. That he places obstacles in our paths and, at the very least, attempts to distract us from our missions. He takes pleasure in making our lives uncomfortable if he can; if we let him.

Prayer for Protection

I have been making it a part of my daily prayers for some time to pray to be surrounded by a hedge of God’s protection to keep the Evil One and his machinations at bay so that I, and my loved ones, might be safe from harm. The Devil loves to cause trouble for those whose souls do not belong to this world. We, as individuals, are not strong enough on our own to fight all the darkness that he has at his disposal. But he cannot stand against the power of our God, The Name of Jesus, or the Light of the Holy Spirit. We must not hesitate to call upon The Trinity to come to our aid and have faith that we will be rescued.

In taking pride in God’s works, my prayers slipped. I did not include my prayers for protection for a few days and I left myself vulnerable to attack. The Evil One saw a chance to slow down one of God’s servants, even one who plays as small a part as I, and he began his work to disrupt mine.

Next time I’ll fill you in on exactly what has been going on but, in the meantime, please pray for your own protection and that of your loved ones. The Devil cannot take you from God’s Love and care but he can sure cause more misery in your lives than you care to experience. God can fix that. Seek Him. Ask Him. He wants to hear from you.

Until next time,

Praise Him in the Storm, Part 2

After the last post, I would like to share with you a bit about one of God’s Saints who defined the strength of faith and the ability to praise Him in a storm. We should all be gifted enough in our lives to know someone like this. I was fortunate enough to be loved and blessed by this daughter of our King. Cynthia (my wife) grew up with and got into the mischief of her youth with Donna. I came to know her later in life but was instantly given a place in her heart and the hearts of her family. She was still full of mischief and the sparkle in her eyes was a beautiful advertisement for what was brewing in her head. Sadly, we lost this precious light after a crushing storm. These words are in memoriam to Donna after the storm.

Donna’s storm

Donna was diagnosed in September of 2016 as having Glioblastoma, a very aggressive, devastating form of brain cancer. This is the same cancer as John McCain was diagnosed with. I must say here that I am not a doctor nor am I a trained clinician, I have a layman’s understanding and must speak as a layman. When Donna was first diagnosed, she was given only three months to live if she went untreated. If she agreed to the rigorous treatment plan she might have a year. Donna prayed with her family and friends for guidance and for healing. In the end, she decided to follow the doctor’s advice and try to remove the tumor.  Surgery was a success and the surgeon proclaimed that scans showed that they “had gotten it all.”

The insidious thing about this particular cancer is that it grows appendages that dig deep into the brain. On the ends of those appendages the cancer plants seeds in the brain’s tissue. As I understand things, it is nearly impossible to remove all of this deadly intruder. As you might surmise, “we got it all” soon turned into the cancer is back and it has grown. Donna’s faith never wavered. She kept believing in God’s healing Grace. She told everyone that all was well, that she was in God’s hands.

Donna and her husband, Fred, traveled to MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, TX, for treatments that left her drained and sickened. Away from her family and loved ones, living in a travel trailer loaned by a friend for weeks at a time; Donna and Fred did the best that they could to live a “normal” life and they never stopped praising God for His goodness. They never stopped witnessing about the healing power of God, of the love of the Father.

There were many treatments. Many trips to MD Anderson. Houston soon became their second home. The tumor’s growth might slow for a bit but it continued to grow. Donna continued to tell everyone that God would heal her of her cancer. She continued to inspire all whom she came into contact with because of her trust in the Lord. We continued to pray but Donna was getting weaker and the effects of her cancer were taking their toll. During all her ordeal there had been momentary breaks in the clouds, the rain had slackened up for a bit but the storm still raged. For everyone except Donna.

Always His

Her family was constantly gathered at her side. Though she was now spending most of her time confined to bed, weak and hardly able to speak above a whisper, her faith in God was so many times larger than the tumor that refused to relent. “I’m in God’s hands”, she would tell us in her labored breath. We began to hold vigil as Donna slept. Having to be content with holding her hand, whispering I love you in her ear, kissing her brow while there appeared no let up in the storm.

Donna’s Storm is Over

At 5:45 AM on August 30, 2017, the storm was over. Donna left this world behind. Her suffering was over. She had been right all along, she was in God’s hands, in His loving arms. As she took her last breath on this earth, she took the next breath in Paradise. She is looking down on her family and loved ones from Heaven, doing exactly what she always did. She is praising God, walking with Jesus, and casting her love out to all those whom she counted hers.

Cyn and Donna

Donna had proven more right than we had known. God might not have healed her cancer in this world but He had certainly healed her in the next world. Her illness, as horrible as it was, had been for the good. She blessed her children and grandchildren with her ever solid faith. Donna was a shining example of what we should all aspire to be. Donna lived her life in this world for the Glory of God. She shared her faith with so many people. My friend had been a Warrior for Christ and through her faith, she became the Hero of many. She certainly found a triumphant reception in Heaven. Donna has found the rainbow after the storm.


God speaks. Faith awakens.

This is a true story that might be the beginning of my true walk with God. It is surely the beginning of my witness, my testimony. The awakening of my Faith. I am telling this for you, Abbie. You are a dear friend and you hold an important place in my heart. I know you will feel the rawness of the telling. I hope it moves all my readers as much as it does me in the telling.

Back in the late 70’s my wife and I had tried nearly every method to get pregnant with no success. After three years of disappointment we grew frustrated, as one might expect. Her doctor flippantly told her we should try more often.  Great idea, but still no positive result. Months went by and still no baby bump.

My wife, in going through her medical records, discovered that she had never been exposed to nor had a vaccination for rubella (German measles). Being exposed to the German measles during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause catastrophic birth defects in the baby. So, as a precaution, my wife got a rubella vaccination, only to find out a few days later that she was finally pregnant.

Our world was turned upside down. Our emotions ran the gamut from shock to anger to disbelief (How could this happen to us?) to serious despair.  The doctor was certain that the only alternative that we had was to abort the baby. We consulted other medical minds and their opinions were equally dire. We must abort. The child could not possibly be born healthy.

Keep in mind that this was all going on in 1979, but the prevailing medical opinion is still not much different today with all the advancements now at our disposal.  The Center for Disease Control currently has this to say about pregnancy and exposure to rubella.

“Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is a condition that occurs in a developing baby in the womb whose mother is infected with the rubella virus. Pregnant women who contract rubella are at risk for miscarriage or stillbirth, and their developing babies are at risk for severe birth defects with devastating, lifelong consequences. CRS can affect almost everything in the developing baby’s body.”


I won’t list the possibilities, but they were and still are, gruesome, at best. What were we going to do? We fretted. We cried. We prayed. We shook our fists at God. This was the toughest decision we could imagine having to make.

My wife was seriously Catholic. Italian. Catholic schooled with all the guilt and fear of Hell that the nuns and their rulers could instill in a child. I was new to Catholicism but was pretty sure that if we did abort this pregnancy, we would be reserving a seat by the fire. More anguish. More despair. More tears.

As you probably know, we didn’t have a lot of time to put off making a decision. The day finally came and we mustered up the courage, made the call and set the appointment to end the pregnancy. Why didn’t we feel like we were doing the right thing? Days passed uneasily.

On Sunday, the day before the abortion was scheduled. We did what we always did. We had our morning coffee, got ready and went to Mass. The Church was full of eager faces. Nothing out of the ordinary. Our priest began his homily and everything changed.

All at once it was as if God himself were speaking. As though he was seated on the back of the pew just in front of us. My bride and I were held captive by every word. I could hear no other sounds around me save the words being spoken directly to me. This message had our names on it and it was being written on our hearts.

There was moisture in our eyes as the Priest finished his homily. His topic was Faith. My God had answered my prayers. He sent His answer to me as surely as I am taking a breath. My wife and I cried on the way home after Church. These were different tears. These were tears of relief.

We arrived at home and went directly to the phonebook. There were no cell phones in 1979. We managed to find the doctor’s home number and we called him. “Doctor we can’t do this. We have to cancel our appointment.” To our shock, he was relieved. He told us that professionally, he had to counsel us to abort, but as a Christian, he was happy that we had changed our minds. Everything would be fine. After all, we lived in Memphis where we had St. Jude and LeBonheur Children’s Hospitals. God would provide.

We stopped worrying that day (well mostly). Knowing that everything would turn out fine. We had a strong family behind us and the best medical facilities in the country for sick children and this child would be loved. The pregnancy passed mostly without a major snag.

Our son was born on April 7th, 1980. He had all his fingers and toes and he was healthy! Praise God! Rubella had been a factor in a minor way. Ben has a genius level IQ, a nearly eidetic memory. He is an Eagle  Scout. He once found an old pocket pager in the mud in the backyard and after cleaning it up and tinkering with it, he turned it into a radio receiver. He does, however, lack certain fine motor skills. He will never be the star quarterback. Oh well, who cares? He is a gift from God. A constant testimony to Faith!


The journey begins

Today I have had the idea placed in my heart to open a document to chronical my journey.  I will not start at the very beginning, nor will start at the end, but I will try to set the stage for where I am now and how and why I have arrived at this place and state of mind. The opinions expressed here are solely mine unless otherwise noted. I have had many influences in my life, many good, many not so good, many that were bad. In the end, it is my fondest hope that I shall hear my Creator say “Well done, good and faithful servant.”(Matt. 25:23 ESV). That is closer to the end of my story, let me rewind a bit.

I am the son of a sailor. I was unchurched in my youth. I never attended any school longer than 2 years until my father retired. Oddly, I attended high school (all 4 years) with kids with whom I shared the first grade. I was a better than average student –Beta Club and National Honor Society. I was an average athlete, earning my letter in basketball and track. I made a failed attempt at college, was the president of the Residence Hall Association, served in Student Government and ultimately spent more time playing Hearts and Spades than attending class.

I have been married more than once. More than twice… a fact that I am not proud of, but in the end, I am married to the one that was meant for me. The most important factor in our longevity is that God is a third member of our union. Sadly, He was not in previous attempts, thus my track record is not what I wish it could be. My wife, Cynthia, and I have been through a lot over the years. Like many others, we have had our good times and our bad times, our sickness and health; but by God’s Grace, we have survived to find a stronger love than most discover in a lifetime.

I am a broken sinner, as I believe we all are. I believe I may have been more broken than most. I am a child of the 60’s. I experienced all that brings to mind. I worked in the bar business for years and saw, often participated in, some of the least wholesome activities imaginable. As they say, there was sex (lots of sex), drugs (too many drugs) and rock and roll. I am not proud of my time spent in darkness. I am overjoyed that Jesus Christ sought me in the darkness and extended His loving arms to pull me into the light of His Mercy. I survived, no thanks to my own efforts but by the Grace of Almighty God.

Throughout my lifetime I have grown to believe in the Truth of God’s Word, the power of prayer, the unconditional Love that we are called to offer each other, and that we are all God’s Children. We are Citizens of Heaven and sojourners in this world. Just passing through. We are being prepared for Life Eternal. For some of us, the lessons come more easily than for others of us. Many receive their gifts from God at an early age. Sadly, I have come late into my inheritance. But now that I have received, I am thirsty for all I can consume.

That which follows will reflect my journey down the path of discipleship. Join me if you are so inclined. The Holy Spirit will light the way…