There appears to be much debate over how many times that God tells His people not to be afraid. Some say 365 (once for every day of the year). Many reliable sources say the sentiment, if not the exact words, actually appear somewhere closer to one-third that many times, but the message is still pretty clear. God wants us to fear only Him and if we do, we will not have reason to fear anything else. The connotation of fear of the Lord that the Bible refers to is not the “quaking-in-your-boots” sort of fear that we think of today but more a “love and obey” type of thing. Trust plays a huge part in this idea. If we obey God’s commands and trust in His promises for us, we show Him our Love (yes, that’s Love with a capital L) then God is always Faithful to His Promise. Be not afraid, fear not, or don’t be afraid are not reckless statements, not instructions to possess false bravado. Be Not Afraid (again, notice the capitalization) is a command from God Almighty meant to give us peace.
Fear Is A Liar

We all wrestle with demons. The Evil One loves to torment and distract us. He loves to cause us to fear. Maybe we fear the future, the unknown, or just uncertainty over a job in turmoil, but as Zach Williams says “Fear is a Liar”. Fear can, and so often does, rob you of strength, of focus, of peace of mind, and in the worst cases, of the very will to live.
What is your Flavor?
We all have our particular fear, the thing that gnaws at us, keeps you awake at night. My own peculiar flavor of fear is anxiety. Anxiety is the dis-ease that causes one a nagging disquietude, an uneasy restlessness over things that are unknown or beyond one’s power to control. It is quite debilitating and many suffer from anxiety’s clutches. We mostly suffer in silence, feeling somehow responsible for things that may or may not be real or rational. Many feel somehow less than we should be. Lots of us become ashamed of our perceived failure and we keep it to ourselves, as best we can. No one likes a public shaming. I have been suffering from just this type of fear for the last couple of months.

I have neglected you, my readers, but I have also neglected myself and my wife. I have given much energy, too much, to being anxious over things beyond my control. I hated it but it has been kicking my backside. I was unable to be as I truly want to be. Thankfully, through God’s Grace, I am slowly regaining my equilibrium, crawling out from under the weight of my anxiety..
Don’t be Anxious About Anything…
Paul tells us in Philippians, chapter 4, just what I need to hear (maybe over and over). He admonishes the church at Philippi that Jesus is at hand and that they should give thanks for all that they have and while rejoicing in their spirit they should pray to God, in the name of Jesus Christ to provide for their needs. The message is the same for Christians today. I obviously need these words etched onto the back of my hand. They are some of my favorite in the Bible.
6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 ESV.
Be Not Afraid
This is some profound stuff! I have heard it paraphrased all my adult life. But until just now I had not put the second verse together with the first. The promise in the second verse is the part to hang your hat on. Paul is telling us that if we do a simple thing, God promises to give us a greater Peace than we can imagine. Talk to God, He has got this! Whatever this is. We are never alone. When God is for us who (or what) can stand against us? Why be distracted by fear? Anxiety and fear, the tools of the Devil, can have no effect in the face of God’s protection and love. Be not afraid.
Abba, I pray that you have mercy on all of us who suffer from any kind of fear. Watch over us as we sleep and bring us Your Peace. Reveal our inner strengths to us and increase in us the knowledge that our strength comes from you, the One God Almighty. In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray. Amen