One morning this week while savoring a cup of coffee at the dining room table, lost in thought, contemplating the busy work day ahead; I was struck by what I have frequently called a “God Moment”, when God reaches down from Heaven and taps you on the shoulder, providing you with just exactly what you need at the moment. At arm’s reach through the window pane hangs two, very busy, bird feeders. Most mornings there is an albeit small, cacophony of raucous commotion from a growing group of finches. These little guys enjoy a friendly riot, vying for their spot at the free meal. But, this particular morning, it is the hummingbird feeder or its visitors, that captured my attention. We usually have three ruby-throated hummingbirds that frequent our offering but the last few days have brought a few more to sample our hospitality. Their presence breaks through my “mind-in-neutral” state like shattering glass. Tiny, synchronized flight patterns, my own aerial ballet, and all I can think is…”Ain’t God Good”!
Miracles in a Thimble
These wonders of nature are, at the least, beautiful. More than that, they are a miracle that would nearly fit in a thimble. They remind me

that marvelous wonders can be beheld in the most simple of things. We just have to open our eyes and our hearts to take them in. Just to emphasize the point, these little emerald streaks have hearts that beat over 1200 beats per minute inside their chests. Hummingbirds breathe around 250 times a minute, even at rest. They flap their wings an average of 53 beats per second. Due to being able to rotate their wings in a complete circle, they are the only birds that are capable of flying backward. Pretty cool stuff, huh?
Back to the God Moment
As I stated earlier, sometimes God reaches out and gives us a tap on the shoulder, giving us just the right message. You may remember that in the last post, I shared that I have been suffering from anxiety issues. I believe that the Evil One is at the core of that suffering. I am getting better but God sent me an Instant Message that He surely knew I needed to speed my recovery. My message was clear. “Even in the midst of the chaos, there is beauty.” God is present wherever you are.

My whole countenance changed as my iridescent messengers flitted about. My heart became lighter with each wingbeat. I had a new message to share with the world within my reach. Today I would happily proclaim a message to all. Today I would make this Psalm my own.
This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 ESV
This day I would do as the Psalmist instructed us to do.
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth;
Break forth into joyous song and sing praises!
Psalm 98:4
Ain’t God Good!
The people in my office, the students who came to the bookstore, could all sense something was afoot. I enthusiastically shared my morning with all who inquired and the joyful noise was magnified. Those bright green marvels had done their work and brought God’s word to so many. I hope that you will take the time to slow down a little and just look around you for the beauty and marvel at the miraculous works of out Creator. Chances are, you we find your own “God Moment.” Ain’t God Good!

Wonderful Creator, We thank you for the blessing of your Creation. Help us to see your hand in our lives, making us mindful of Your great love for us. Remembering that You are always with us and that You are always for us. We give You thanks and praise. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen